Black Magic Coffee Beans

Welcome to Black Magic Coffee Beans

Our History

All coffees are derived from two basic types of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta.

Robusta coffee beans are hardier, have higher caffeine content and are grown at lower elevations. They are the primary source for ordinary instant and freeze dried coffees plus the many varieties of blended coffees.

It is from the mountain grown Arabica coffee beans that the specialty Gourmet Coffee Beans are derived and processed.

Arabica coffee trees take longer to mature and cultivate but deliver better quality, denser coffee beans with less caffeine. 100% Arabica coffee beans are known as the better-tasting, higher quality coffee and the coffee of choice for most specialty coffee stores, coffee shops and avid coffee drinkers.

  Arabica Gourmet Coffee for Home Use

In recent years Arabica coffee roasters and retailers have realized the excellent market potential of people who want to brew 100% Arabica coffee at home.

In order to meet consumer demand, Arabica coffee production now includes specialty whole bean Arabica coffees. Buy Arabica coffee beans from That’s Coffee including;


Natural Organic Arabica Coffee Beans

Organic coffee beans are grown naturally, without the use of pesticides and other harmful chemical fertilizers, and these help sustain the environment. Natural organic coffee beans are all-natural and produce a mildly acidic, palatable cup of coffee.

Natural organic Arabica coffee beans may be slightly higher priced but are well worth it for those who are environmentally conscious and still want the superb gourmet taste of 100% Arabica coffee.

An example of our natural organic Arabica coffee beans;

Galapagos Natural Organic Gourmet Coffee Beans

Galapagos Island EstateNatural Organic Galapagos Island Estate Coffee has a history dating back to the late 1800’s. French nationals first colonized Galapagos Island and planted Arabica coffee trees, which were then abandoned for nearly a hundred years. The revival of harvesting the Galapagos Island Arabica coffee beans resumed in 1990 and production is now contained and protected within a national park. Arabica coffee beans from Galapagos are grown free of pesticides and other harmful chemical fertilizers. This choice Arabica coffee is light roasted offering coffee lovers a true taste experience with an impressive aftertaste.

Fair Trade Arabica Gourmet Coffee Beans

Many fair trade Arabica coffees are also naturally organic satisfying two important criteria for avid coffee lovers who want naturally produced Arabica coffees that also help improve and sustain the livelihood of individual coffee farmers.

An example of our fair trade Arabica coffee beans;

Ethiopia Sidamo Gourmet Coffee Beans

Ethiopia SidamoEthiopia is the birthplace of Arabica coffee beans, which were discovered over 1000 years ago. Arabica coffee plants are naturally small but with the proper care and pruning the tree can become quite a large bush with a much larger and more improved crop. Fair trade Arabica coffees like our Ethiopia Sidamo Coffee help support the efforts of individual farmers, who in turn, keep producing some of the finest gourmet Arabica coffees.

Decaf Arabica Gourmet Coffee Beans

Arabica coffee beans naturally contain less caffeine however modern decaffeinating processes like the Swiss Water decaf method are able to remove up to 97% of the caffeine. Even better, the integrity of the Arabica coffee bean’s flavor and aroma are not compromised in the decaffeinating process.

An example of our decaffeinated Arabica coffee beans;

Peru Natural Organic Decaf Fair Trade Gourmet Coffee Beans

Peru Organic DecafDecaffeinated using the expensive Swiss Water decaffeinating method, the Swiss Water Natural Organic Peru Fair Trade Coffee beans are processed organically and does not involve any synthetic chemicals so the coffee beans’ integrity is maintained. These shade-grown coffee beans are made from 100 percent pure Arabica coffee beans, and are medium roasted to deliver all the essential flavors and aroma without the caffeine.

Espresso Arabica Gourmet Coffee Beans

Start with 100% Arabica coffee beans and then meticulously roast them to a dark espresso roast and you’ve got the recipe for creating exceptional stand alone espresso coffee drinks plus a variety of specialty coffees including flavored lattes and cappuccinos.

An example of our espresso Arabica coffee beans;

Espresso Prima Coffee Beans

PrimaEspresso Prima Coffee Beans are made from mountain grown, 100 percent choice Arabica coffee beans. House blend Espresso Prima Coffee Beans exhibit a unique, bold taste, slightly floral to the palate with a rich pleasing aroma. These beans are shipped fresh roasted in choice, heat-sealed, 16 ounce (1lb) or 5lb bags designed to lock in freshness.

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